These are the cubicles of the sales department. I spent two of my Fridays along side the salesmen and women of Avyve, working with company outreach, contact info, and planning.

This is right by the front desk, and shows the cubicles of the CAD/ Blueprint department. As well as the engineering and coding department.

This is an example of a CAD drawing completed by the CAD department. This is a wiring diagram for a camera system installed at the company "Stibo Systems".

This is an example of a presentation system installed at Emory university back in 2017.

Here is the warehouse where I got a look at all of the equipment and technology used by the company, as well as how Avyve is able to stay so well organized. Through their systems of inventory they are able to be prepared, stocked, and ready for job sites.

This is the lab, where the racks and technology are put together, tested, and fully assembled. After this stage the computer racks and technology will go back to the warehouse where it will wait and be prepared to be shipped out to a job site location.